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Who are we and how can we help you?

Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Maria Martinez Ordm, LLC was born out of a period of sadness that made me search deep inside how I could help others in some way other than my job at the time. As a joke in a conversation between my children I told them that I was the one who was going to marry them off. Well, I started my adventure by ordaining myself to officiate weddings and I have 5 ordinations from these churches: AMM, ULC, ULC SEMINARY, OPEN MINISTRY & MCS. Then I took the wedding and event planning certificate course at LWEPI ending in Dec 2019. My graduation was in May 2020 in the middle of the pandemic.

I decided in March 2020 to focus on Destination Weddings specializing in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Costa Rica among other Caribbean destinations. Today I want to help others create, inspire and collaborate in creating the event of their dreams. I was born and raised in San Juan Puerto Rico and moved in 2007 to New York State. I had to get used to a new culture and interact with other people in an English language which I did not master, so today my idea is to help bilingual couples to create their event and help family and friends who need assistance in their own language.

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