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How We Work?

How we work at Maria Martinez Ordm, LLC is a little different than other companies.

Our services are based on having a real, personal, honest, and authentic connection with our future clients so that together we can create your dream trip.

Como en Maria Martinez Ordm, LLC trabajamos es un poco diferente a otras companias.

Nuestros servicios se basan en tener una coneccion real, personal, honesta y autentica con nuestros futuros clientes para que podamos juntos crear el viaje de sus sueños.

Our Process:



1. If you agree with our way of working, we will send you an email with all the details, our contract and invoice.


2. As soon as we receive payment and a signed agreement, we begin our search to create the destination event, be it this location or destination.


Nuestro Proceso:



1.  Si estas de acuerdo con nuestras forma de trabajo te enviamos un mensaje electrónico con los detalles, nuestro contrato y factura.


2. Tan pronto resibamos pago y  contrato firmado comenzamos nuestra busqueda para crear el evento de destino sea este local o de destino.  



All service include research and propose of a maximum of 3 potential vacation itineraries. Depending on your desires, these itineraries may vary in destination, accommodations, transfers, or all of the above.  The traveler(s) will have a chance to review and ask any questions about the proposals and make minor adjustments if needed. If the traveler(s) desire additional choices, MMO will provide one more itinerary for an additional $50 charge, collected before research begins.          

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Photo by: Mary Winseman

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